19th Century, Culture, education, History, Minnesota, University

University of Minnesota Founded


“Twenty students begin at the University of Minnesota. Beginning in a small building with only one teacher, the university won’t offer college-level instruction until 1869.” *

Great Teacher, thanks for the blessings we have today because of these small beginnings! What good things grow from small seeds? Will You lead my thoughts and prayer for the “U” today?
Here’s a basic summary of the founding of the school as given on it’s website:

“The University of Minnesota was founded as a preparatory school in 1851 seven years before the territory of Minnesota became a state. Financial problems forced the school to close during the Civil War, but with the help of Minneapolis entrepreneur John Sargent Pillsbury, it reopened in1867. Known as the father of the University, Pillsbury, who was a University regent, state senator, and governor, used his influence to establish the school as the official recipient of public support from the Morrill Land-Grant Act, designating it as Minnesota’s land-grant university.” **

Thank You for the opportunities this university created for students in its’ first decade! Thank You for the synergy of it’s re-opening: one part government, one part business, one part Pillsbury influence. How many students had a chance to learn because of the determination and will of J.S. Pillsbury? Today we thank You for these individuals, and the impact of the this school on their lives!

Truly, it would be difficult to summarize the impact of our University on our state, nation, and world over these past 150 years. Every discipline seems to exert a significant force and merit recognition in our nation. Students from the entire continent of North America gather here to learn. Our Mid-Western culture values and expects that most Minnesotans want a college degree.

Perhaps a limitation of education is that knowledge is not necessarily relational?
Counselor, will You have mercy on the roots of the false pride of knowledge that grew from this founding seed, both in teacher and pupil? Will You forgive us our judgments’ of our neighbor’s ignorance or our prejudices against formal education within the culture of Minnesota from this era forward? “…We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. but the man who loves G-d is known by G-d.” 1Corinthians 8:1-3


** https://r.umn.edu/node/511


19th Century, History, Intercession, Jesus, Minnesota, State Government

1st Territorial Legislature Meets Sep 3, 1849  

Central House, St. Paul, MN

The Minnesota Territorial Legislature met for the first time in the Central House in Saint Paul.*

Will You come today, Counselor, and offer Your teaching about this beginning? I find that the first territorial legislature was dominated by men from New England or of New England ancestry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota It was a legal business meeting first, but what other impacts may have occurred?

My first thought, Teacher, is that we carry our personal histories with us into each new venture no matter how tightly we hold our cards. That said, I’m wondering now the impact of these sons of New England on our state. What were their strengths, fears, dreams, or biases?

In any case, I commend to you this representative meeting. Christ, our Advocate, how You must smile when we seek to keep faith by simply meeting with each other! May we follow Your example of humble authority in the governance of this state. May these meetings be an eternal ray of blessing from September 3, 1849 forward!
